
Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 20- 100th Day


We had 4H this week and Kaleigh won first place for the picture frame she made with her dad. Great job Kaleigh!


We have been studying solids, liquids, and gases. This week we mixed together 2 clear liquids, alcohol and sodium silicate. Check out what happened!


The kids passed it around and took turns bouncing the ball. When we finished we put it in a sandwich bag and left it for a while.


When we went back to it the ball was gone. It was flat!


This week was also the 100th day of school. Everyone dressed up like they were 100 years old.


Check out some of the teachers at school!




We are a Leader in Me school so we used 100 sticky notes and wrote 100 ways to be a leader. The kids did a great job listing ways to be a leader. However, something is still missing from the bulletin board I did. I'm thinking a picture or something should go in the top right corner. Any ideas?


Mrs. Reasner shared this idea with me so I did it with my students too. We cut out the number 100 and the kids had to "hide" it in their pictures.




I also had the students draw a picture of what they thought they'd look like when they were 100 years old. I also had them write a bucket list of things they want to do before they are 100.


We then talked about the bucket list fits in our habits. The kids came up with great ideas! These are ways we "sharpen the saw" to stay balanced.


STUDENTS: Share a few things from your bucket list.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 20- Solid, Liquid, and Gas


This week we started our chemistry unit! It is my favorite science unit. We started by learning about solids, liquids, and gases.


The kids put each in a bag/cup and spent some time experimenting to learn about their properties.



We have also been singing about solids, liquids, and gases. I love using music to teach and this one was perfect for our lesson this week.

We also added and subtracted fractions with unlike denominators. Do you know about the butterfly method?


STUDENTS: We have been reading The Watson's Go to Birmingham, which is one of my favorite books. Tell me what you favorite part of the book is so far.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 19- Think Win-Win


This week we worked on fractions. The kids played a go fish game of fractions. Before playing, they had to reduce the fractions so they would know what to ask for when playing. We didn't make it past reducing the fractions but next week we'll try again.



Our school is also in the first year of becoming a Leader in Me school. Each teacher submitted their favorite quote along with a photo. The Lighthouse team created this display in the hallway outside the library. I love looking at the different quotes and the kids love it as well! I noticed several of them stopping to read the quote and look at the pictures this week.


We talked about habit 4: Think Win-Win. So today we did a little activity to practice! I grouped the students and they had to stand side by side with their feet touching. Then they had to come up with a way to move around the desks without letting their feet come apart. Most groups came up with a plan and they were able to complete the task. A few had to start over but everyone was thinking win-win.


STUDENTS: This week I asked you to pick one habit to focus on and come up with a plan of action. Share the habit you are working on and what you plan to do. When you list the habit make sure to list the habit number and explain what that habit means.

I am working on Think Win-Win. Since this habit talks about your emotional bank account I'm leaving positive post it notes on student work in the hallway throughout the building. One younger student came up to me this week and she was so excited that I had left a "good job" note on her work in the hallway. She was smiling from ear to ear! I know I was able to make a deposit into her emotional bank account!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 18- Ew, Gross!

I guess the week before Christmas break was our "gross out" week. I didn't plan it that way but that's the way it worked out. Several weeks ago we started an experiment with our school nurse. She took the kids around the school and they took swabs of the toilet and water fountain.


After about 10 days this is what we have.


The kids made slides and we examined it under the microscope.


I think I have some kids who won't be drinking from the water fountains now.



We took a break from "gross" and made our reindeer job applications. I took pictures of the kids and they cut them out and added antlers and noses. These turned out really cute!


To wrap up the week, we dissected sheep hearts. We had just finished our unit on the circulatory system. This was the perfect ending.


The kids were able to see the chambers inside a real heart.


STUDENTS: What do you think was worse, the sheep hearts or the toilet/fountain slides? Why?