This was our final week of school, but we didn't slow down all week. We started off reading to Kindergarten students.
All the students loved this! One of the Kindergarten student said he wanted to read all day with his partner.
This week we also did another engineering challenge: Cup Pyramid. I loved seeing the creative ways my students came up with to solve this problem.
Wednesday we dissected cow eyeballs! This was a hit with almost everyone. We had a few students who had to leave because they were a little grossed out. When you made a slit in the front of the eyeball to get the lens out liquid squirted out.
Check out the faces! They were really grossed out but had a lot of fun.
Thursday was 5th Grade Graduation! We were all dressed up for the program.
Brandon and Dyani won the Principal's Cup this year for outstanding leadership, character, and positive attitude. Congratulations!
After Graduation we had our final walk. The 5th grade students walk the entire school while all the other students and teachers cheer them on. It is great because our 5th grade students get to see all their former teachers. There are normally lots of tears shed.
Here is a picture of Mrs. Reasner, Mrs. Smith, and myself (left to right). We were all dressed up for the occasion too.
That night we had the 4th grade and 5th grade dance. So needless to say, it was a full day!
The last day of school was field day and class party. The fire truck also came and hosed us off for a little while.
It was a hot day but we all survived!
We came in for lunch and to cool off for a while.
I loved it today because so many of my former students came by to see me!
It has been a wonderful school year! We had so much fun and learned a lot along the way. It was great to get special notes from my students thanking me for being their teacher this year. I will miss all my students! I hope you all have a great summer!

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