
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Compare and Compute Fractions Game

I've had some emails asking about the fractions game our math coach, Mrs. James, played with my students a few weeks ago. I asked her and got permission to post the game sheet so you can use it if you'd like. Thank you Mrs. James!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 31- Volume


This week we learned about volume. We started the week by using 24 cubes to see how many different rectangular prisms we could make. I also have a great resource for teaching volume that I found on teachers pay teacher: Teaching Volume Unit.


I also had some students that learned how to play Flip 4, a new game we have.


I went to a math workshop this week and found a few other new games I need to get!


Here is one activity that was shared at the workshop.

Untitled Untitled

Untitled Untitled

We have been finishing up our study of the planets and the kids have really enjoyed working in groups to learn about the planets.


STUDENTS: What is your favorite game to play in the classroom? We have a lot of games so share one game that you like to play and explain how to play it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 30- Harlem Shake

Check out what my kids did with Mrs. Sweet (art teacher) Friday!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 30- Class photo and space

This week we got our class photo! Check us out.

We also had a cow come to visit us. They showed us how cows are milked and taught us a few things about cows.

This week we started to study about the planets. As you know, I love using music to teach and there are a lot of great songs about space!

The kids worked in groups to study their assigned planet.

Here are a few of the songs we have been using to learn about the planets.

Planet Around a Star Song

Earth's Orbit

There are many more songs to come in this unit! Here is one we listen to every day to help learn the states and capitals.

STUDENTS: We have been working on Habit 7: Sharpening the Saw. What are you doing this weekend to sharpen your saw? Make sure to write a 7 up sentence to earn your ticket.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 29- 3D Shapes & Skating


Congrats to Jon & Michael R for getting a math award. They scored in the top for the Math League competiton we have throughout the school year. Way to go guys!


We have been learning about 3D shapes in math. Here are a few pictures of the interactive notebook pages we made. I love these because you only glue one face so the shapes can still be folded up to create the 3D shapes.


Our math coach, Mrs. James, came and did a review game with us this week. The kids drew 4 number cards and tried to create an fraction addition problem with the largest sum. The kids had fun playing this game.


Way to go Brooks for finally making it to the first square in 4 Squares at recess.


We ended the week with our final field trip of the year.


We went skating and had a great time. Yes, even I know how to skate! Some of the kids were shocked but it was fun!





STUDENTS: This week we had our final 5th grade field trip to the skating rink. How does skating relate to science? Only give one example and don't repeat what others have said.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break

Spring break is over but I wanted to post about my annual trip to DC. I always get home and have lots of pictures of different things I saw but I never have any pictures of myself. So this year I had Mrs. Reasner take pictures of me in front of different monuments and places I visited. She used my cell phone to take these pictures for me.
We had a good laugh and decided I was the new interactive Flat Stanley. :)
Here are a few of my "Flat White" pictures.
Me and Lincoln 
Me at the Smithsonian of American History
Me and MLK
Me at Arlington 
Me and Jefferson 
Me at Ford's Theatre 
Me on the Potomac 
So I thought I'd also share a few shots I captured with my camera.  

Our first day in DC was covered in snow! The first picture is the view from the hotel window when I woke up Monday morning. This is the first time I've been to DC in the snow.


Our group headed further north to Gettysburg.




Jefferson Memorial








