
Friday, August 8, 2014

Week 1- PlayDoh & PicCollage

The first week of the 2014-2015 school year is in the books! We had a great week and had a lot of fun getting to know each other. We started with Play-Doh. I gave each student a container of Play-Doh and had them make something to represent themselves. I had many great creations!

I then had them use the iPad mini and make a "selfie" with their creation in the background. 

I used the Pic Collage app to create this poster about me. I shared this with my class so they could learn something new about their teacher. I got the idea from the blog post How to Use PicCollage- And Five Ideas for Using It In Your Classroom. 

Then I asked them to use the Pic Collage app on the minis and use their picture along with other pictures from the internet to create their own Pic Collage. The only thing I showed them was how to insert a photo and text. Then I let them be creative and make their own posters. 

I love the creativity I saw and they did a great job sharing new things about themselves with their classmates!

I also wanted to share my objective board I created in my classroom. I always forget to write the new objectives so I decided to create posters for each subject I teach. I purchased the math posters on TpT from Jason's Classroom

I made my own science objective posters and social studies objective posters because I couldn't find any that went well with the Alabama Course of Study objectives.

I also added 7 Habits posters and Essential 55 posters so I can flip to the one we are focusing on for the day. I hope this makes things a little easier to keep my objective board up to date.

The lamps were a hit in my classroom! I've always had 2 small table lamps but this summer I added 2 floor lamps. My students are really excited that we can leave the lamps on and not turn on the lights.


  1. Having the kids make collages about themselves is such a great idea! I will have to download that app onto my classroom set of iPads! Thanks so much for the great idea!

    Drop By...
    Life As I Know It

  2. I have had Pic Collage on my iPad and haven't tried it until now - thanks! I know my students will love using it and there are so many things they can use it for. However, I'm going to borrow your idea and let them use it to make a poster about themselves. While I only have 2 classroom iPads - I'll have to think of some way to do this in a reasonable amount of time. Ideas?

    Thanks as always for being an inspiration!


  3. I wanted to use Pic Collage with my students on the first day for a similar activity. However, my fourth grade students do not have email addresses. I contacted the fine folks at Pic Collage to ask about school accounts for my students, to which they informed me they do not yet have anything of this nature. Furthermore, they informed me that students under the age of 13 should not be using Pic Collage. Bummer!


Thank you for your comments. Students, make sure to answer the question of the week to earn your ticket for the good job jar. If you have trouble posting your comment just e-mail it to me and I'll post it for you.