
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Compare and Compute Fractions Game

I've had some emails asking about the fractions game our math coach, Mrs. James, played with my students a few weeks ago. I asked her and got permission to post the game sheet so you can use it if you'd like. Thank you Mrs. James!


  1. Thank you for posting this game!! Now, please tell me how you posted this on your website? What did you use?

  2. I use to add the files to my blog. Just set up an accout, upload the file, and select the embed option. Copy the html and paste it on the new post (html).

  3. Thanks I will have to start reading all of them!

  4. You have a spelling error on the fractions game sheet. Should say, "Arrange the cards to create TWO proper fractions." Very easy spell check error, still a great game!


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