
Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 18- Ew, Gross!

I guess the week before Christmas break was our "gross out" week. I didn't plan it that way but that's the way it worked out. Several weeks ago we started an experiment with our school nurse. She took the kids around the school and they took swabs of the toilet and water fountain.


After about 10 days this is what we have.


The kids made slides and we examined it under the microscope.


I think I have some kids who won't be drinking from the water fountains now.



We took a break from "gross" and made our reindeer job applications. I took pictures of the kids and they cut them out and added antlers and noses. These turned out really cute!


To wrap up the week, we dissected sheep hearts. We had just finished our unit on the circulatory system. This was the perfect ending.


The kids were able to see the chambers inside a real heart.


STUDENTS: What do you think was worse, the sheep hearts or the toilet/fountain slides? Why?


  1. sheep heart because the sheep heart had stuff like big bubbles an gross stuff.

  2. Last January I did a little experiment with the kiddos (4th grade). I sliced an apple in half. I put one half directly into a jar, and the other I passed around the room so that everyone touched the slice. Then I stick it into a different jar. Last year the one that everyone touched turned a rainbow of mold. I don't know exactly what type of germs they had, but that happened to be the month that I had 6 kids out per day. Needless to say, my students started washing their hands before lunch, used sanitizer, and they used soap when they used the restroom. Now we aren't able to use hand sanitizer anymore...

  3. i think the toilets and water fountian because our water fountain had blood and i can handle sheep hearts

  4. I think the toilets and the water fountains

  5. The sheep's heart because it has squashy and hard to pull it 1/2.

  6. the disks because it had black stuff growing on it

  7. i think the toilet disks were because i had to swipe the boys toilet.

  8. i think the toilet disks were because people pee and poop in the toilets.


Thank you for your comments. Students, make sure to answer the question of the week to earn your ticket for the good job jar. If you have trouble posting your comment just e-mail it to me and I'll post it for you.