
Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 16

Plant cells
This week all our pictures were taken with the classroom iPad! The kids are really enjoying being able to use the iPad to take pictures of what we are doing in the classroom. We made cells at the beginning of the week. Monday we made animal cells and Wednesday we made plant cells.

Playing with the iPad

The photo booth app is also a hit!

Our Twitter door

I set up a Twitter account for us to tweet about things we are doing in the classroom. I  also created a twitter door so the kids can "tweet" something each day. Are you following us on Twitter? Search for us at @MWhiteMES to see all the tweets from the kids.

Ready for the weekend

Can you tell the boys are ready for the weekend?

STUDENTS: What would you like to tweet about? A few of you have already had a chance to use the Twitter app to let everyone know what we're doing in the classroom. However, I'd love to know what you want to share!


  1. Um........ I finished a drawing in the classroom!☺☻

  2. I like eating baccon in the mornings.

  3. what happened or what im doing i have a new tweet i love weekends! 2 bad it ends 2morrow

  4. What I did on the weekend.Amerrit

  5. What I do on the weekends.

  6. What I did on the weekend!

  7. What I did on the weekend.

  8. claudia martinez ;] ;]December 11, 2011 at 8:04 PM

    Heller i would like to tweet about my weekend. :];]

  9. I thing it would be interesting to tweet about what we like to do like,softball,soccer,dance gymnastics,football,drawing,or just anything you like to do.I would pick drawing and soccer.See you soon!☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○

  10. Do you mind if I share your "Twitter door" idea and picture with an International conference in Atlanta Georgia on Positive Behavior Support. I'd also be sharing your blog website. I love your use of technology with children.
    Thanks- Dr. Laura Riffel (


Thank you for your comments. Students, make sure to answer the question of the week to earn your ticket for the good job jar. If you have trouble posting your comment just e-mail it to me and I'll post it for you.