
Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 24- Habit 5 & Chemistry

Take a look at our Leader in Me display in the hallway for 5th grade. I know I posted a picture a few weeks back but every time we change a habit we change our display. We have been working on habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. My kids drew a picture of their reflection in a mirror and then wrote "Reflections of a Good Listener." They listed ways they can be a good listener.


I also created a display on the cabinet in my room. I made these buckets so the kids can catch each other using the habits. When they see someone using a habit they write that person's name, what they were doing to use the habit, and sign it. Then they put it in the bucket that matches the habit they witnessed. At the end of the week I draw names from the buckets for homework passes and other little goodies.!


In reading this week we were learning about generalizations. I found the file on Teacher Pay Teachers: Generalizing Guru. We used the posters in the file and wrote generalizations about each one. Then the kids shared them and decided if they were faulty or valid.


If they were faulty, the students worked together to rewrite the generalization so it was valid.


We also had a lot going on in chemistry this week! We started the week with our mystery powders. The kids mixed 2 powders last week and then this week they took a new cup and tested it using their notes from previous experiments. Most groups were able to find out what the mystery powders were!



We also talked about using a talking stick and practiced by debating if helmets should be worn when riding a bike.



Later in the week we created our own mixture with iron filings, salt, sand, and beads. The kids had to work together to create a plan to separate the different items in the mixture.




I laughed the other day because my parents must think there are strange things going on in our classroom. I send an email asking for sweet tarts, antifreeze, burnt toast, and a few other items. They stepped up and sent in the supplies we needed so I decided to start with the burnt toast and bread.


They started by observing the properties of bread and burnt toast. It was important to point out that the toast was still bread but once it was burnt it can't be undone. We'll be following up on that next week.


STUDENTS: Create and share a valid generalization about our science lessons.


  1. I think that almost everyone is having fun with our Chemistry unit.

  2. that we have had beads in one of are mixtures.


Thank you for your comments. Students, make sure to answer the question of the week to earn your ticket for the good job jar. If you have trouble posting your comment just e-mail it to me and I'll post it for you.